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Renee Rose: Uncovering your Energetic Blocks as a Write

  • Golden State Romance Writers San Jose, CA (map)

Renee Rose: Uncovering your Energetic Blocks as a Writer

As an author, you are well acquainted with attributing a core wound to your main character(s). Just like our heroes and heroines, we each carry core wounds or beliefs that block our success and abundance in our author businesses.

Abundance mindset coach Renee Rose will help you identify and release the limiting beliefs that hold you back from attracting the career of your dreams. Bring a journal and pen for freewriting exercises and show up to release the grind, pain and frustration of authoring to unblock your way into success.

"I just had my best money month for THREE years and it's thanks in no small part to the abundance mindset practices I learned with Renee." -USA Today Bestselling Author Felicity Brandon

15-time USA Today bestselling romance author Renee Rose is passionate about helping other authors find and maintain an abundance mindset to catapult their careers and create their best future. She employs energetic tools and techniques to help her clients clear resistance and money blocks, access their inner guidance, and tap into their love and appreciation for their books so they can achieve their dreams.

Find Renee here!





Schedule (Pacific Time)

9:00 a.m. Zoom link will open for casual chat and networking
9:30-10:30 a.m. Business Meeting
10:30-12:00 p.m. Presentation